Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Environmental problems essay

Environmental problems essay

environmental problems essay

Long Essay on Environmental Pollution Words in English. Environmental Pollution Essay is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and Our environment is made of living things and things not alive. The life of these species includes livestock and other microorganisms; the environment’s unlived components are food, water, dirt, sunshine, etc Sep 01,  · Environmental problems can be investigated in a systematic way using the scientific method. Explore the steps of the scientific method: observations Some environmental problems faced by rural peoples are outlined below: 1. Poor sanitation: Because of the illiteracy and poverty of the people in rural area, they do not know the importance of sanitation and hygiene. Such an ignorance causes environmental pollution leading to the break out of a number of epidemics like cholera, typhoid etc. 2

What are Some Environmental Problems? (with pictures)

Environmental governance is a concept in political ecology and environmental policy that advocates sustainability sustainable development as the supreme consideration for managing all human activities— politicalsocial and economic, environmental problems essay. To capture this diverse range of elements, environmental governance often employs alternative systems of governance, for example watershed-based management.

It views natural resources and the environment as global public goodsbelonging to the category of goods that are not diminished environmental problems essay they are shared. Public goods are non-rivalrous —a natural resource enjoyed by one person can still be enjoyed by others—and non-excludable—it is impossible to prevent someone consuming the good such as breathing.

Public goods are recognized as beneficial and therefore have value. The notion of a global public good thus emerges, with a slight distinction: it environmental problems essay necessities that must not be destroyed by one person or state.

The non-rivalrous character of such goods calls for a management approach that restricts public and private actors from damaging them. One approach is to attribute an economic value to the resource.

Water environmental problems essay an example of this type of good. Environmental governance refers to the processes of decision-making involved in the control and management of the environment and natural resources. International Union for Conservation of Nature IUCNdefine environmental governance as the 'multi-level interactions i, environmental problems essay.

Neoliberal environmental governance is an approach to the theory of environmental governance framed by a perspective on neoliberalism as an ideology, policy and practice in relation to the biophysical world.

There are many definitions and applications of neoliberalism, e. in economic, international relations, etc. However, the traditional understanding of neoliberalism is often simplified to the environmental problems essay of the primacy of market-led economics through the rolling back of the state, deregulation and privatisation. Neoliberalism has evolved particularly over the last 40 years with many scholars leaving their ideological footprint on the neoliberal map, environmental problems essay.

Hayek and Friedman believed in the superiority of the free market over state intervention. There has been a growing interest in the effects of neoliberalism on the politics of the non-human world of environmental governance. Economic growth — The development-centric vision that prevails in most countries and international institutions advocates a headlong rush towards more economic growth.

Environmental economists on the other hand, point to a close correlation between economic growth and environmental degradationarguing for qualitative development as an alternative to growth. As a result, the past couple of decades has seen a big shift towards sustainable development as an alternative to neo-liberal economics.

There are those, particularly within the alternative globalization movement, who maintain that it is feasible to change to a degrowth phase without losing social efficiency or lowering the quality of life. Consumption — The growth of consumption and the cult of consumption, or consumerist ideology, is the major cause of economic growth.

Overdevelopment, seen as the only alternative to poverty, has become an end in itself. The means for curbing this growth are not equal to the task, since the phenomenon is not confined to a growing middle class in developing countries, but also concerns the development of irresponsible lifestyles, particularly in northern countries, such as the increase in the size and number of homes and cars per person.

Destruction of biodiversity — The complexity of the planet's ecosystems means that the loss of any species has unexpected consequences.

The environmental problems essay the impact on biodiversity, the stronger the likelihood of a chain reaction with unpredictable negative effects. Another important factor of environmental degradation that falls under this destruction of biodiversity, and must not be ignored is deforestation. Despite all the damage inflicted, environmental problems essay, a number of ecosystems have proved to be resilient.

Environmentalists are endorsing a precautionary principle whereby all potentially damaging activities would have to be analyzed for their environmental impact.

Population growth — Forecasts predict 8. This is a subject which primarily affects developing countries, environmental problems essay, but also concerns northern countries; although their demographic growth is lower, the environmental impact per person is far higher in these countries.

Demographic growth needs to be countered by developing education and environmental problems essay planning programs and generally improving women's status.

The burning of carbon-based fossil fuels such as coal and oil, releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. One of the major impacts of this is the climate change that is currently taking place on the planet, where the earth's temperature is gradually rising. Given that fuels such as coal and oil are the most heavily used fuels, this a great concern to many environmentalists.

The soil gets erodedand leads to silting in rivers and reservoirs. Soil erosion is a continuous cycle and ultimately results in desertification of the land. Environmental problems essay from land degradationenvironmental problems essay, water pollution is also a possibility; chemicals used in farming can run-off environmental problems essay rivers and contaminate the water. All of these challenges have implications on governance, however international environmental governance is necessary.

The IDDRI claims that rejection of multilateralism in the name of efficiency and protection of national interests conflicts with the promotion of international law and the concept of global public goods.

Others cite the complex nature of environmental problems, environmental problems essay. On the other hand, The Agenda 21 program has been implemented in over 7, communities. For example, marine environmental problems essay can be tackled regionally, and ecosystem deterioration can be addressed locally.

Other global problems such as climate change benefit from local and regional action. A report observed a global consensus that sustainable development implementation should be based on local level solutions and initiatives designed with and by the local communities.

The adoption of practices or interventions at a local scale can, in part, be explained by diffusion of innovation theory. Local level governance is extremely important even on a global scale. Environmental governance at the global level is defined as international and as such has resulted in the marginalisation of local voices.

Local level governance is important to bring back power to local communities in the global fight against environmental degridation. The legitimacy of decisions depends on the local population's participation rate and on how well participants represent that population. Local authorities undoubtedly have a central role to play in the protection of biodiversity and this strategy is successful above all when the authorities show strength by involving environmental problems essay in a credible environmental improvement project and activating a transparent and effective communication policy Ioppolo et al.

States play a crucial role in environmental governance, because "however far and fast international economic integration proceeds, political authority remains vested in national governments".

At the state level, environmental management has been found to be conducive to the creation of roundtables and committees. If environmental issues are excluded from e. The question of the environment has not been effectively integrated in national development planning and programs.

Instead, the most common idea is that environmental protection curbs economic and social development, an idea encouraged by environmental problems essay frenzy for exporting raw materials extracted using destructive methods that consume resources and fail to generate any added value. Citizens in some of these states have responded by developing empowerment strategies to ease poverty through sustainable development. In addition to this, environmental problems essay, policymakers must be more aware of these concerns of the global south, and must make sure to integrate a strong focus on social justice in their policies.

At the global level there are numerous important actors involved in environmental governance and "a range of environmental problems essay contribute to and help define the practice of global environmental governance, environmental problems essay. Global environmental governance is the answer to calls for new forms of governance because of the increasing complexity of the international agenda.

It is perceived to be an effective form of multilateral management and essential to the international community in meeting goals of mitigation and the possible reversal of the impacts on the global environment. Global environmental governance is about more than simply expanding networks of institutions and decision makers. The literature on governance scale shows how changes in the understanding of environmental issues have led to the movement from a local view to recognising their larger and more complicated scale.

This move brought an increase in the diversity, specificity and complexity of initiatives. Meadowcroft pointed out innovations that were layered on top of existing structures and processes, environmental problems essay of replacing them, environmental problems essay. Lafferty and Meadowcroft give three examples of multi-tiered governance: internationalisationincreasingly comprehensive environmental problems essay, and involvement of multiple governmental entities.

Hans Bruyninckx claimed that a mismatch between the scale of the environmental problem and the level of the policy intervention was problematic, environmental problems essay. Elinor Ostromamongst others, claimed that the mismatch is often the cause of unsustainable management practices and that simple solutions to the mismatch have not been identified. Considerable debate has addressed the question of environmental problems essay level s should take responsibility for fresh water management.

Development workers tend to address the problem at the local level. National governments focus on policy issues. Soil and land deterioration reduces its capacity for capturing, storing and recycling environmental problems essay, energy and food.

Alliance 21 proposed solutions in the following domains: [42]. The scientific consensus on climate change is expressed in the reports of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC and also in the statements by all major scientific bodies in the United States such as National Academy of Sciences.

The drivers of climate change can include - Changes in solar irradiance - Changes in atmospheric trace gas and aerosol concentrations Evidence of climate change can be identified by examining - Atmospheric concentrations of Green House Gases GHGs such as carbon dioxide CO 2 - Land and sea surface temperatures - Atmospheric water vapor - Precipitation - The occurrence or strength of extreme weather and climate events - Glaciers - Rapid sea ice loss - Sea level [44]. It is suggested by climate models that the changes in temperature and sea level can be the causal effects of human activities such as consumption of fossil fuels, deforestationincreased agricultural production and production of xenobiotic gases.

There has been increasing actions in order to mitigate climate change and reduce its impact at national, regional and international levels.

Kyoto protocol and United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCC plays the most important role in addressing climate change at an international level, environmental problems essay. The goal of combating climate change led to the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol by states, an agreement encouraging the reduction of greenhouse gasesmainly CO 2. Since developed economies produce more emissions per capita, limiting emissions in all countries inhibits opportunities for emerging economies, environmental problems essay, the only major success in efforts to produce a global response to the phenomenon, environmental problems essay.

Two decades following the Brundtland Reporthowever, there has been no improvement in the key indicators highlighted. Environmental governance for protecting the biodiversity has to act in many levels.

Biodiversity is fragile because it is threatened by almost all human actions. To promote conservation of biodiversity, agreements and laws have to be created to regulate agricultural activities, urban growthindustrialization of countries, use of natural resourcesenvironmental problems essay, control of invasive speciesthe correct use of water and protection of air quality. Before making any decision for a region or country decision makers, politicians and community have to take into account what are the potential impacts for biodiversity, that any project can have.

Population growth and urbanization have been a great contributor for deforestation. Environmental problems essay, population growth requires more intense agricultural areas use, which also results in necessity of new areas to be deforested. This causes habitat losswhich is one of the major threats for biodiversity. Habitat loss and habitat fragmentation affects all species, because they all rely on limited resources, to feed on and to breed. To avoid habitat loss, and consequently biodiversity losspoliticians and lawmakers should be aware of the precautionary principle, which means that before approving environmental problems essay project or law all the pros and cons should be carefully analysed.

Sometimes the impacts are not explicit, or not even proved to exist. However, environmental problems essay, if there is any chance of an irreversible impact happen, it should be taken into consideration.

To promote environmental governance for biodiversity protection there has to be a clear articulation between values and interests while negotiating environmental management plans. The Convention on Biological Diversity CBD was signed in Rio de Janeiro in human activities.

The Convention encourages joint efforts on measures for scientific and technological cooperation, access to genetic resources and the transfer of clean environmental technologies, environmental problems essay. The Convention on Biological Diversity most important edition happened in when the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity and the Aichi Targetswere launched.

These two projects together make the United Nations decade on Biodiversity. In the same report, it is indicated that in2.

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environmental problems essay

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